Payroll Solutions
For over 40 years Byte has been the primary software provider to the sewn products industries that rely on incentive payroll to compete. Our flexible pay formula structures have evolved as clients have creatively come up with unique ways to keep their production up at a competitive cost and keep their employees fairly paid and content. Incentive pay is almost ALWAYS AT LEAST 20% MORE PRODUCTIVE!

- Byte's scalable Source-to Gross Payroll System for piecework , incentive, hourly, and salary employees can be set-up to handle single plants to multi-plant central payroll configurations.
- >Time and Attendance is an add-on module that eliminates the need to capture or enter time for payroll calculation. It can manage multiple shift with automatic rounding to avoid small clocking variations.
- Human Resource Software seamlessly provides paperless payroll with all of the associated benefits.
- Labor Cost can be reported by department, product, contract or many other classifications.
- Executive Pay Software System integrates gross-to-net payroll for executives and other salaried employees separately from hourly and/or production employees to ensure confidentiality
- Production Incentive Control calculates individual and team payroll for knitting, dyeing and weaving plants that pays an incentive based on production. An additional optional module exports earnings to a third party payroll software or service.
- The Gross-to-Net Payroll Option facilitates comprehensive weekly payroll processing, quarterly tax reports 941, annual tax reports W2s, executive payroll, HR and includes printing payroll checks, handles direct deposits, and keeps track of payroll and cost history.
- Byte’s Team Payroll Software allows employees to be grouped together in group departments to work as a team to build a group “pot” from which each employee’s pay is calculated based on their contribution to the “pot.”
- Rate and Cut Management are essential element of this system and are inuitive, comprehensuve and flexible.